Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A finger on Eucharistic Prayer II

"You are indeed Holy, O Lord,
the fount of all holiness.
Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray,
by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall,
so that they may become for us
the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ."

"Vere Sanctus es, Domine, fons omnis sanctitatis.
Haec ergo dona, quaesumus,
Spiritus tui rore sanctifica,
ut nobis Corpus et Sanguis fiant
Domini nostri Iesu Christi."

     Louis Bouyer's last-minute contribution to Eucharistic Prayer II, according to The memoirs of Louis Bouyer, translated and annotated by John Pepino (Kettering, OH:  Angelico Press, 2015 [2014]), chap. 12, p. 222n90:
  • "fons omnis sanctitatis":  the roughly 7th/8th-century Liber mozarabicus sacramentorum.  Unfortunately, I haven't yet turned it up there:  not by searching, and not by checking the indices, e.g. under fon* and sanctit*.  A search of the 2002 edition of the Library of Latin Texts (e.g. omn* sanctit*, which occurred 5 times; as well as variants; but examine more closely the many more hits on fon* /5 omn* /5 sanct*; omn* /1 sanctit*; and so forth) also failed to turn up anything relevant, the sole exception being Lumen gentium 47 ("the one and undivided Trinity, which in Christ and through Christ is the source and origin of all holiness [(omnis sanctitatis fons et origo)]").
  • "Spiritus tui rore santifica" ("sanctify with the dew of your Holy Spirit"):  Missale Gothicum no. 271, c. 700 (where the phrase appears to be actually "spiritus sancti tui rore perfundas" ("[We ask that you bless this sacrifice with your benediction and] bedew [it] with the dew of your Holy Spirit[, so that it may be for all a lawful Eucharist]"); but check also CCSL 159D (2005)).
I can't tell whether this is supposed to apply to both, or to the latter only:  "as reported in Consilium ad Exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia, Schemata, n. 218, De Missali, 34bis, 19 martii 1967:  Coetus X. De Ordine Missae, typescript, 49".

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