Sunday, February 18, 2018

"Playing chess well requires a lot of intelligence if the player is human, but no intelligence whatsoever if played computationally."

Philosophy of Information
"Such an emphasis on outcome is technologically fascinating and rather successful; witness the spreading of ICTs in our society.  Unfortunately, it is eye-crossingly dull when it comes to philosophical implications, which can be summarized in two words:  'big deal'."

     Luciano Floridi, The 4th revolution:  how the infosphere is reshaping human reality (Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 2014), 141-142.  The "Emulation . . . connected to outcome" that is to be distinguished from functionalism falls on the reproduction side of the reproduction-production divide (140):
As a branch of engineering interested in reproducing intelligent behavior, reproductive AI has been astoundingly successful. . . . 
     However, as a branch of cognitive science interested in producing intelligence, productive AI has been a dismal disappointment.  It does not merely underperform with respect to human intelligence; it has not [even] joined the competition yet.  Current machines have the intelligence [(not computational ability!)] of a toaster and we really do not have much of a clue about how to move from there.

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